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Our Mission

To help local community and state leaders connect with South Dakota citizens to get out their message. Together we can ensure South Dakota continues to grow energetically, with strong midwest values and opportunities for all.

Core Values

Our core values of strong schools, healthy communities, and new business opportunities are critical to South Dakota’s long term sustainable growth.

Support SD Strong

South Dakota Strong is pleased to announce the formation of the PAC, “Republicans for SDStrongWR” to fund the mission of helping local community and State leaders connect with South Dakota citizens to get out their messages.

We are committed to providing a forum of communication between our South Dakota Citizens and the leadership representing them. We believe this type of education and interaction will strengthen the conservative cause and help to move the Republican party in a positive direction. We know that if we work together, we can ensure South Dakota continues to grow energetically, with strong Midwest values and opportunities for all. We need your help.


Please send us an email address to be added to our contact list to We will notify you of upcoming events.

Please consider contributing through the links provided by clicking on the Donate Button or Scanning the QR Code with your smartphone.

You may also send your check made payable to SD Strong and send to:

SD Strong | 3530 Sheridan Lake Rd | Rapid City, SD 57702

South Dakota Strong

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